Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/08/06 14:43
lorento wrote:
> Ike wrote:
>>Is anyone aware of a means of connection pooling (to MySQL, say) in php?
>>Thanks, Ike
> Making a new connection at database server using much resources like
> memory and cpu.
> Connection pool is a cache of database connection. Instead of making
> new connection, database server reused the old connection. This method
> can increase performance and use few memory.
> regards,
> Lorento
> --
> http://blogs.deshot.com
> http://www.mastervb.net
> http://www.groupvita.com
Making a new connection takes some cpu, that's true. But it's not a lot. Sure,
you don't have the connection overhead with a pool - but then you have the
overhead of finding a free connection in the pool.
And yes, making a new connection takes some memory. The difference is that when
you're through with the non-pooled connection the memory is released. With
pooled connections it isn't.
Pooled connections require you to keep open the maximum number of connections
you might ever need, and the system resources associated with. So if you have a
bump at lunchtime and need 50 connections, you have to have at least 50
connections around, even at 3AM when almost no one is on. With non-pooled
connections you only use the resources you need right now.
Pooling is fine if your site needs dozens of database connections per second.
Not too many websites come even close to that, though, and connection pooling
can actually hurt system performance.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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