Posted by Ed Mulroy on 06/09/06 00:06
> Perhaps you need: text-decoration: none; in your
> hover style? ...
No, I don't want that. The a:hover is as I want it. I do not want to
discard behavior that I worked to achieve because Firefox decides to
decorate a non-link as if it were a link. It decorates acronym items also
although not in any way that you can control or turn off.
> Then change it. S'far as I know, IE and all the rest treat
> an <a> hover the same...
As I have described, Firefox treats it differently for
<a name=
>> <a name="some_name"></a>Description
> ..and nothing to click on.
Correct. The name= construct is not something on which one can click.
> Really easy where there aren't table cells to deal with... <g>
Tables are easy. CSS is not easy. If it were then there wouldn't be so
many megs of blogs and web site tutorials trying to explain how to do the
same things that tables do.
.. Ed
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote in message
> news:sw1ig.151697$
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