Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/09/06 00:49
Ed Mulroy wrote:
>> Perhaps you need: text-decoration: none; in your
>> hover style? ...
> No, I don't want that. The a:hover is as I want it. I do not want to
> discard behavior that I worked to achieve because Firefox decides to
> decorate a non-link as if it were a link. It decorates acronym items also
> although not in any way that you can control or turn off.
>> Then change it. S'far as I know, IE and all the rest treat
>> an <a> hover the same...
> As I have described, Firefox treats it differently for
> <a name=
>>> <a name="some_name"></a>Description
>> ..and nothing to click on.
Actually it is IE that flubbing up here, an 'A 'element whether it is an
anchor or a link is *still* an 'A' element. So...
A:hover should apply to markup as <a name="anAnchor>Some Anchor</a>
To fix it your use an attribute selector to specify only 'A' elements
that have 'href' attributes, i.e, links!
A { color: yellow; }
A[href]:link { color: blue; }
A[href]:visted { color: violet; }
A[href]:hover { color: green; }
A[href]:active { color: red; }
/* yes I know i didn't spec a background */
<a name="anAnchor">An Achor</a>
<a href="#">A Link</a>
Now only the link hovers, problem is IE again is the problem with poor
CSS support. So you can work around by:
1) stop using <a name="something"></a> and reference an id on an element
<h2 id="someAnchor>... or <p id="anotherAnchor">...
2) have hovered links defined with a class
3) enclose hovered link some other element whereas your can define the
..gotLinks A:hover{}
<div class="gotLinks">Blah, blah blah <a href="#">Will Hover</a>...
You just have more studying to do....
Take care,
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