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Re: I have now ascended.

Posted by =^.FixCat.^= on 06/09/06 11:29

Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On 8 Jun 2006 17:30:51 -0700, "=^.FixCat.^=" <>
> wrote:
> >> >I work in PRINT, dickhead
> >> ...right, um...let's see some of YOUR work!
> >If you could ever get a passport out of whatever city you lived in and
> >came to mine
> Boy you must not get out much, cause don't need a passport to
> travel between cities you fucking moron.
> > - you would see it asswipe - it's on bus signage,
> >billboards (you know what KERNING is?) magazines and other things -
> >shit - you probably read some of the shit I work on. You want me to
> >drop my portfolio on your doorstep? Ah no - it weights too much - you
> >know - SOME OF US have been in this biz long before freekin pc's came
> >along and everyone became a designer. Ever worked on a board or
> >stripped yer own work? Uh no - your pc does it all for you.
> You've "been in this biz long before freakin pc's came along" and you
> don't even have ONE example ONLINE of work that you've done? Here,
> let me make this said you've worked on magazines...okay,
> SPECIFICALLY did you do and on WHAT PAGES did you do it on?

I've got plenty of stuff I could put online for you, but what
difference would that make? Do you really think I give a rats ass what
you think I can and can't do? You're just not that important to me.
Cripes - you still refer to me as "him" - it's just none of my business
what other people think of me.

> You know, Fake Artist, there are plenty of print artists in ADG and
> most of them all have examples of their work online...why don't you?
> What is the pee cee too complicated for you? Maybe you should go and
> buy a Mac. *snicker*

Macs are all I've ever owned.

And, speaking of the mighty pc - we have 13 mac work stations where I
work (magazine printer - web) and only ONE pc station. Less than 10% of
the jobs we get are pc based.

> >> I mean, fucking hello, teh shit doesn't print out of nothing you
> >> fucking fruit loop. LOL, I figured you would just backpedal and run
> >> at the fuckin mouth. Yer kind is so typical, always talkin shit about
> >> other people's work when you HAVE NOTHING of your own.
> >MY KIND? Well - you are the only one of YOUR KIND around here that I
> >see - and thank god for that mercy.
> Actually now that I've included ADG in teh froup line there are LOTS
> more of my kind (the kind that don't just run at the fuckin
> mouth...well except for wait, even Drew has some lame
> photography up for display).
> >> >- like you may have known if you read any
> >> >other posts besides the ones you write yourself - I suppose you think
> >> >your 72 dpi shit would look great anywhere, huh?
> >> Anywhere on screen, Dipshit. I do have print versions though of many
> >> of my pieces...however for the most part I don't really believe in
> >> paper's just so...19th century. *shrugs*
> >Magazine and newspaper subscriptions may be down, crumball - but the
> >need will always be there - and the need for people that don't think in
> >RGB or JPG or 72 dpi
> ...actually most of my work tends to be CMYK, PSP/PS and 150 to 300
> dpi (at least for teh source files). Of course a lot of my art work I
> try to keep vector based, in which case dpi really doesn't have any
> meaning. The same goes for 3D rendered art work. BTW, just what do
> you think the difference is between dpi and points, Kiddo?

Oh gee, why don't you tell me?

> >> >Your "art" is awful -
> >> Oh, like I said, here he is talkin shit about MY STUFF when he DOESN'T
> >> EVEN HAVE ANY OF HIS OWN...he, he, he...I can read you like a fuckin
> >> book, Poser.
> Here's an idea, if it's "awful"...why don't you try and actually
> critique it? Try this:
> Go ahead, give yer analysis, oh master of the printer.

What do you want me to say? I downloaded it, opened it in photoshop,
converted to CMYK/TIF. Your ink density would be fine for printing but
the resolution would be too low as it is only 72 - but as I'm sure you
created this for the web, it suits your needs. What is the red stuff on
his face?

> >> >it's pratically low res ON A MONITOR.
> >> Showing off yer ignorance I see.
> >DOOD - when your shit looks low res on a MONITOR - then it's really
> >bad.
> None of my work is done at less than 72 dpi...which would pretty much
> make that IMPOSSIBLE, you fucking goober...unless you're trying to
> claim that it something looks jagged and boxy due to poor compression
> or lack of which case I'm SURE you can provide an
> ACTUAL example from my work...oh, wait, no you can't actually. ^_^
> There are VERY few graphic artists with my level of skill when it
> comes to making graphics with smooth, flawless looking lines, a crisp
> edge without jaggedness (unlike the Netscape splash screen...amongst
> countless other examples of "professional" level fuckups).
> >> >If I have to do a website - I use
> >> >GoLive - with Photoshop and Illustrator - not PSP or any of that shit.
> >> If you have to do a website you rely on training pants programs,
> >> default transitions, templates and canned crap effects...yer no web
> >> designer, yer just some fuckin loser perpetuating derivative designs
> >> that you pulled off some prepackaged, white label, photo CD.
> >> *snicker* Yer kind is so easy to spot. You might be able to fool
> >> great aunt Mildred and the rest of the "fam" with yer "skillz"...but
> >> the second you come all up the fuck around here and try and posture
> >> that shit...yeah...yer just gonna get ripped apart, Sunshine.

Yeah - and guess what - I don't claim anything more than what I do -
GoLive is perfect for the cat sites that I do - it get's the photos up
and cats adopted - believe me, I'm not entering the sites in any jury.

> >Yep - I use those programs cause I happen to focus in a different area
> >then you - not everyone is hung up on freekin making websites, you know
> >(or - maybe that's giving you too much credit and you DON'T know).
> My focus is in ALL areas actually, from web coding to graphic design
> to video encoding, etc, etc, etc. I mean you claim that you've "been
> in the biz" for countless years and shit...which quite frankly is just
> pathetic. I mean in all that time didn't you EVER work to expand yer
> range of expertise?

Hummm - raising two kids, married, pets, job, volunteer work, life -
let's see - no - I don't have time to add anything more to my plate -
altho it would be nice, I agree. I'm happy where I am - I'm not defined
by my work.

> >I also just need to get stuff done cause I have a life outside of my
> >work,
> ...see you keep doing that. You keep referring to it as "work"...I
> many peeps in ADG would call what they do "work"? I mean
> fuck all, I love this shit, it ain't work, it's art, it's expression,
> it's a love of what I do...if it's nothing but "work" to you I can see
> why after so many countless years you've never managed to really
> accomplish anything.
> >which you don't seem to have since you really don't have the
> >personality to sustain a meaningful relationship with anything other
> >than a freekin monkey or an 18 year old web designer wanna be.
> Are you confusing the Internet with real life again? I have enough
> meaningful relationships in THE REAL WORLD that I don't have to retard
> online looking to over compensate.
> >> >I could run your ass ragged around any design program - and page layout
> >> >- you still using PAGEMAKER??
> >> Try InDesign, Doofy, yer about a half decade out of date.
> >Really - you use InDesign - you have the whole CS?
> From Illustrator to Photoshop, the whole lot. Of course if I can I
> try and use my old version of PSP...mostly cause teh interface is so
> much better than Adobe's. Adobe has never been any good with their
> GUIs.
> >Cause I do, batass -
> >and know how to use every single program.
> Uh huh, so then were are all the examples of your work?
> >Oh - that's right - you are
> >prob one of those designers on a PC, right?
> Yeah, a REAL designer...not some fuckin Mac trendy wannabe like you
> probably are. I mean really, ATI ports like, what, 5 of their
> graphics cards to the Mac? Where as on teh PC you've got countless
> options just with ATI alone. Again though, the problem with your kind
> is that you're so "specialized" that you can't even fuckin comprehend
> the hardware end of things and how that either limits or enables you.
> >I'll let you know how Quark
> >7 is cause we just got it at work. Have you even updated to 5 yet or
> >are you still running Quark 3.3?
> ...uh, I thought you said you had InDesign? Why are you bothering
> with Quark? What, does using a Mac make you stupid or something?

You don't comprehend anything, do you? I have to know all these
programs for my freekin job, numnuts - jeeze. I have both CS and Quark
at home. I can use what I want.



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