Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 06/10/06 14:44
Chaddy2222 wrote:
> Ed Mulroy wrote:
>> I think the pages you looked at dimension in percent but on the other
>> pages the sidebars are dimensioned in ex. You and everyone else
>> these days seem to speak of em and not of ex. Please tell me if I
>> am wrong to use ex instead of em.
> You would be wrong to use that for font sizeing as IE users can't
> re-size the text very easyly.
Chaddy, you may have read that as px instead of ex. My understanding is
that IE will resize with em or ex. It is with the use of px and pt where
IE fails.
For general use, this page says ex is better.
Stephen Poley has a page on em/ex:
Tho it is still best to use percents for font sizing...
-Warning: I brake for lawn deer
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