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Re: Help Request about 4.01 Strict

Posted by Ed Mulroy on 06/10/06 15:25

On the site descriptions are already given for the rooms. There is nothing
remaining to provide alt text for the photographs and floor plan.

The width of the menu is given in 'ex' units, not pixels. The font size is
not given in 'ex' units and cannot be as 'ex' is a function of the font

> Also, I know some of my spelling might not be that flash, but it's

It would be better if you spent a little time reviewing the site before
pushing your caps lock and sticking labels on me.

.. Ed

> Chaddy2222 wrote in message
> As a blind webmaster, although I only do web design as
> a hobby, you would be very surprised in what we are
> interested in.
> As an example here in some states of Australia, it may be
> nation wide but I am not sure, their are some blind golfers.
> I believe they also have some compertisions at a few of the
> Victorian golf clubs, but I have never had much of an interest
> in golf so I don't know the finer details.
> But, I also know of a lot of blind people who do enjoy a lot of
> other activities, such as boating.
> You can accomidate those of us useing screenreading software
> and sited users with images disabled by useing appropreate alt
> text read more here,
>> I think the pages you looked at dimension in percent but on the other
>> pages
>> the sidebars are dimensioned in ex. You and everyone else these days
>> seem
>> to speak of em and not of ex.
>> ... Please tell me if I am wrong to use ex instead of em.
> You would be wrong to use that for font sizeing as IE users
> can't re-size the text very easyly.
> Look, if you use that many nested tables, then clearly you don't know
> as much about concerving bandwidth.
> Also, I know some of my spelling might not be that flash, but it's



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