Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 06/11/06 07:14
On 9 Jun 2006 04:29:24 -0700, "=^.FixCat.^=" <fixcat1@gmail.com>
>> > - you would see it asswipe - it's on bus signage,
>> >billboards (you know what KERNING is?) magazines and other things -
>> >shit - you probably read some of the shit I work on. You want me to
>> >drop my portfolio on your doorstep? Ah no - it weights too much - you
>> >know - SOME OF US have been in this biz long before freekin pc's came
>> >along and everyone became a designer. Ever worked on a board or
>> >stripped yer own work? Uh no - your pc does it all for you.
>> You've "been in this biz long before freakin pc's came along" and you
>> don't even have ONE example ONLINE of work that you've done? Here,
>> let me make this simpler...you said you've worked on magazines...okay,
>> SPECIFICALLY did you do and on WHAT PAGES did you do it on?
>I've got plenty of stuff I could put online for you, but what
>difference would that make? Do you really think I give a rats ass what
>you think I can and can't do? You're just not that important to me.
>Cripes - you still refer to me as "him" - it's just none of my business
>what other people think of me.
Oh look, there you are runnin at the mouth again. How many more lame
excuses do you think you can come up with? You're a fuckin poser,
plain and simple.
>> You know, Fake Artist, there are plenty of print artists in ADG and
>> most of them all have examples of their work online...why don't you?
>> What is the pee cee too complicated for you? Maybe you should go and
>> buy a Mac. *snicker*
>Macs are all I've ever owned.
How very limiting of you.
>And, speaking of the mighty pc - we have 13 mac work stations where I
>work (magazine printer - web) and only ONE pc station. Less than 10% of
>the jobs we get are pc based.
....uh, what do mean "pc based"? That doesn't even make sense. Both
the Mac and a PC can do the same job, the point is that with a PC you
have a wider range of option as far as upgradability, style and
program compatibility...oh and scalability, even the best Mac based
super clusters can't even fucking DREAM of contending against the
level of scalability you can get out of PC based super clusters
running *nix variants.
Like I said though, yer just some stupid Mac trendy, like a lot of
wannabe print/graphic artists these days. You don't understand the
technology and you just ASSume that it's better in some way cause all
the other sheeple are using it.
>> >> Anywhere on screen, Dipshit. I do have print versions though of many
>> >> of my pieces...however for the most part I don't really believe in
>> >> paper anymore...it's just so...19th century. *shrugs*
>> >Magazine and newspaper subscriptions may be down, crumball - but the
>> >need will always be there - and the need for people that don't think in
>> >RGB or JPG or 72 dpi
>> ...actually most of my work tends to be CMYK, PSP/PS and 150 to 300
>> dpi (at least for teh source files). Of course a lot of my art work I
>> try to keep vector based, in which case dpi really doesn't have any
>> meaning. The same goes for 3D rendered art work. BTW, just what do
>> you think the difference is between dpi and points, Kiddo?
>Oh gee, why don't you tell me?
Uh why don't you tell me, Doofy, seeing as how you seem to think there
IS some difference between the two.
>> Here's an idea, if it's "awful"...why don't you try and actually
>> critique it? Try this:
>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/GD-Batman.png
>> Go ahead, give yer analysis, oh master of the printer.
>What do you want me to say? I downloaded it, opened it in photoshop,
>converted to CMYK/TIF. Your ink density would be fine for printing but
>the resolution would be too low as it is only 72 - but as I'm sure you
>created this for the web, it suits your needs.
*shakes head*
See, yer no print artist. You might THINK yer a print artist, but yer
not. If you WERE a print artist you would understand that dpi is a
rather meaningless number. All that REALLY matters is the ACTUAL
pixel sizes, in this case 325x474. Now, given the ACTUAL pixel size
you can print in WHATEVER dpi you like, if you CHOSE to go with 72 it
would print out at 4.5 x 6.5 inches. But then you could go with a
fairly good print quality of 150 dpi in which case yer lookin at
around 2 x 3 inches on the print (which if I was going to do a print,
that's probably the size I'd want it in, like for a magazine article
or something). Of course ultimately in printing the most important
factor is paper, if you're using say HP color laser glossy photo paper
it'll look pretty damn good even if yer printing at 72 dpi.
>What is the red stuff on his face?
Take a guess, kiddo. Your answer will accurately express your level
of comprehension and reasoning ability.
>> >> If you have to do a website you rely on training pants programs,
>> >> default transitions, templates and canned crap effects...yer no web
>> >> designer, yer just some fuckin loser perpetuating derivative designs
>> >> that you pulled off some prepackaged, white label, photo CD.
>> >> *snicker* Yer kind is so easy to spot. You might be able to fool
>> >> great aunt Mildred and the rest of the "fam" with yer "skillz"...but
>> >> the second you come all up the fuck around here and try and posture
>> >> that shit...yeah...yer just gonna get ripped apart, Sunshine.
>Yeah - and guess what - I don't claim anything more than what I do -
>GoLive is perfect for the cat sites that I do - it get's the photos up
>and cats adopted - believe me, I'm not entering the sites in any jury.
I'm sure not ALL the cats get adopted...and just think, maybe some of
the ones they wind up killing because they couldn't find them homes
COULD have been adopted...if only your skill in website design had
been a lil better. Better looking websites will generate a higher
level of traffic.
>> >Yep - I use those programs cause I happen to focus in a different area
>> >then you - not everyone is hung up on freekin making websites, you know
>> >(or - maybe that's giving you too much credit and you DON'T know).
>> My focus is in ALL areas actually, from web coding to graphic design
>> to video encoding, etc, etc, etc. I mean you claim that you've "been
>> in the biz" for countless years and shit...which quite frankly is just
>> pathetic. I mean in all that time didn't you EVER work to expand yer
>> range of expertise?
>Hummm - raising two kids, married, pets, job, volunteer work, life -
>let's see - no - I don't have time to add anything more to my plate -
>altho it would be nice, I agree. I'm happy where I am - I'm not defined
>by my work.
Again, you call it work. Tell me though...what are you defined by?
The selfish little fucked up brats that you spawned to replace
yourself with? LOL...maybe your pets, do they define you? For all
the "life" you think you have, all you ACTUALLY have is failing
redundancy, you're not doing anything that BILLIONS before you have
already done...and in most cases far better. Fact of the matter
is...you can't be defined, because you are not unique nor are you
accomplished in any measurable way.
>> >I'll let you know how Quark
>> >7 is cause we just got it at work. Have you even updated to 5 yet or
>> >are you still running Quark 3.3?
>> ...uh, I thought you said you had InDesign? Why are you bothering
>> with Quark? What, does using a Mac make you stupid or something?
>You don't comprehend anything, do you?
No see I'm only using ONE program for page layout...why are you using
>I have to know all these programs for my freekin job, numnuts - jeeze.
>I have both CS and Quark at home. I can use what I want.
.....okay so WHY are you using both of them? I mean I have both
Photoshop and PaintShopPro, but I have SPECIFIC reasons as to WHY I
use both of them. What are your SPECIFIC reasons for needing BOTH of
those programs?
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
Hatter Quotes
"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."
"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."
"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"
"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."
"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."
"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."
"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."
"Quible, quible said the Hare. Quite a lot of quibling...everywhere.
So the Hare took a long stare and decided at best, to leave the rest,
to their merry little mess."
"There's a difference between 'bad' and 'so earth shatteringly
horrible it makes the angels scream in terror as they violently rip
their heads off, their blood spraying into the faces of a thousand
sweet innocent horrified children, who will forever have the terrible
images burned into their tiny little minds'."
"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."
"Those who record history are those who control history."
"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )
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