Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/12/06 20:41
David Haynes wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> In general, I agree with you Jerry, except when you say 'So if you have
> a bump at lunchtime and need 50 connections, you have to have at least
> 50 connections around, even at 3AM when almost no one is on.'
> Most of the connection pools I have dealt with have high and low water
> levels (the high to prevent demand from consuming the system and the low
> to specify the minimum number of active connections). The pool then
> spawns new connections on an 'as needed' basis and releases them after
> some timeout period. In this respect, they act like a heap manager with
> garbage collection.
> Searching for a free connection can be O(1) if the connections are kept
> on their own free list.
> Connection pools typically require some means of persisting the shared
> pool across all the programs that want access to the database which
> usually rules them out if php is driven via CGI.
> -david-
That's true with some pools. But not with mysql. All you have available are
persistent connections. You'd have to create your own pooling mechanism.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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