Posted by fred.haab@gmail.com on 06/13/06 16:16
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> fred.haab@gmail.com wrote:
> > I think you've got it backwords... the OP absolutely does NOT want the
> > browser to scale the image, he WANTS scrollbars if the image is too
> > large.
> Yes you are correct, but the point still hold true in reverse that as
> the designer he cannot force the viewer NOT to resize the image if the
> viewer has his browser so set. As the designer you do not have control
> over such browser setting on modern browsers.
But my first post just told you how to do it... if you put the image in
a table:
<table><tr><td><img src="whatever.jpg"></td></tr></table>
none of the "big three" PC browsers will resize it.
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