Posted by Ed Mulroy on 02/05/57 11:50
> Jonathan N. Little wrote in message
> news:b1f80$4491a76b$40cba782$25790@NAXS.COM...
> Well we have you half way there, no if you would fix your signature....
> And no one said that you should not trim you quotes as I have done here
> ...
>> If I remove the float spec to the table then the list appears below the
>> table. If I add float:left to the <ul> nothing changes.
> Of course not! As I illustrated in a previous message to you:
> http://message-id.net/%3C658a1$449088eb$40cba777$9375@NAXS.COM%3E
> A floated element *must precede* the normal flowed element in your markup
> to affect any change to the flow of the element with normal flow!
> ...
> So your floated UL must appear before your 'layout' table in the HTML if
> you want the float to to have any effect. Also UL are 100% wide by default
> and will need a specified width. Pixels is *not* a good option for that
> value because when one enlarges the font it will break your menu.
> ...
I seem to have overlooked that part of the spec. Thank you. I'll use that
> Yep! A period is not a signature marker, it is 2 hyphens followed by a
> space and then a carriage return.
I have no signature, quote, pgp key or silly phrases for the bottom of my
messages rigged into my news reader. The period followed by a space and
'Ed' is how I end my messages. The period then space is key as on some
systems it triggers that this will begin on a new line instead of being
automatically wrapped into the previous line. It is the same as I have used
on systems since '74 so is unlikely to change. If you must consider it a
signature then consider it to be something of the manner of a dot-Ed as a
foil to Microsoft's dot-Net (not that Microsoft or .Net existed then).
.. Ed
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