Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/25/47 11:50
Ed Mulroy wrote:
>> Jonathan N. Little wrote in message
>> news:b1f80$4491a76b$40cba782$25790@NAXS.COM...
>> Yep! A period is not a signature marker, it is 2 hyphens followed by a
>> space and then a carriage return.
> I have no signature, quote, pgp key or silly phrases for the bottom of my
> messages rigged into my news reader. The period followed by a space and
> 'Ed' is how I end my messages.
You're just one contrary SOB aren't you Ed? Well, technically a
signature is distinctive mark, characteristic, or sound (hard to do in
text)indicating identity. So your '. Ed' qualifies as a signature.
Brief, yes, but still a signature.
> The period then space is key as on some
> systems it triggers that this will begin on a new line instead of being
> automatically wrapped into the previous line. It is the same as I have used
> on systems since '74 so is unlikely to change. If you must consider it a
> signature then consider it to be something of the manner of a dot-Ed as a
> foil to Microsoft's dot-Net (not that Microsoft or .Net existed then).
Well in Usenet if you preceded your '. Ed' moniker with
[hyphen][hyphen][space][carriage return] then the folks who use real
newsreaders would not have to snip it when they reply to you. It is a
small gesture and a convenience. You know the old saying, "When in Rome..."?
Take care,
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