Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/25/54 11:50
ActionNotMotion@gmail.com wrote:
> The layout of my new page design is quite nice, but it relies heavily
> on tables to support it's rather complicated structure. It's not so
> much the clarity that worries me - I've labeled everything nicely and
> am gonna CSS it thoroughly once fully finished.
> In terms of not 'dulling' and repelling incoming spiders by having them
> search through miles of structure before they get to the actual meat, I
> want shrink my page as much as possible. Would iframes be the best way
> to do this?: move certain sections of the main page, into subpages, and
> then iframe those subpages into the main?
One effect way to make your pages lighter weight is dump the tables for
layout and restrict the HTML to markup and put your stying in a common
stylesheet. Deprecated presentational markup can really balloon the code
because of the repetitive declarations that must be made to style each
cell! My sites tend to be very complicated in "styling" and it can be
done with CSS.
Take care,
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