Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/05/12 11:50
Martin Pöpping wrote:
> Jonathan N. Little schrieb:
>> Martin Pöpping wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> somewhere I have seen that it is possible to create a formular
>>> with a select box and without any submit button.
>>> if you select via the select box an item, then the new page is loaded.
>>> how can i do that?
>> Requires JavaScript, you create a submit function that you must attach
>> to the SELECT onchange event. You should provide and an alternate for
>> folks who have JavaScript disabled.
> Thanks,
> I did it like this now:
> <form name="form_genlist" method="get" action="index.asp">
> <select name="genfile" OnChange ="document.form_genlist.submit()">
> //...
> but how to do the alternate without JS?
I would say the most simply with NOSCRIPT.
<form name="form_genlist" method="get" action="index.asp">
<select name="genfile" OnChange ="document.form_genlist.submit()">
<noscript><input type="submit" value="go"></noscript>
Take care,
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