Posted by lawrence k on 12/12/37 11:50
NC wrote:
> lawrence k wrote:
> >
> > How can I find out where my script is outputting to the screen
> > for the first time?
> It may not be your script; it could be one of the files you are
> including...
> > My error logs are full of stuff like this:
> ...
> > but the lines they are pointing to are
> >
> > session_start();
> > session_register();
> You probably have a blank space or an empty line somewhere between the
> beginning of a file and the first "<?"... Find it and delete it.
> Alternatively, use output buffering; start buffering at the beginning
> of the script and dump the buffer after you're done working with
> sessions...
Well, I probably do have some open white space in the code. I did a
search for it and found at last 6 files that were leaking white space.
I fixed those 6 files. Sadly, my error logs are still full of "Warning:
session_start(): Cannot send session cache"...
I'm going crazy. I can't set sessions because my code is leaking white
space. I can't find a way to track down that white space. Surely there
is an IDE or test kit that will help me track this down?
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