Posted by Jerry McEwen on 10/10/24 11:50
PHP works just fine and has for years and I will not upgrade as these
match what is on several servers I work on daily.
On 17 Jun 2006 11:08:50 -0700, "Charlie" <cpurules@gmail.com> wrote:
>Jerry McEwen wrote:
>> I'm not finding it easy to provide the best subject line for this, but
>> here is the deal.
>> I just learned to make a URL like this work:
>> http://www.domain.com/index.php?page=blog
>> All is well when I upload to remote servers, but I get a blank page
>> when I test locally. I am running Apache 1.3.33, PHP Version 4.4.1 and
>> MySQL 3.23.49 on Windows XP Pro
>> I compared my phpinfo with that of the remote server, making mine like
>> the remote configuration as much as possible, but without success. Can
>> someone please tell me what needs changing? Thank you.
>First, I suggest uninstalling Apache, MySQL, and PHP, and then doing
>Install Apache version 2.0.x
>Install MySQL Client 5.0
>Install PHP 4.x
>Then, open php.ini. Search for the line that says:
>[Mail Function]
>Under that, cange SMTP to your SMTP server, and sendmail_from to your
>email address.
>Now, open Apache's httpd.conf file. Search for the line that says:
>#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
>Under that, add the following:
>LoadModule php_4 "c:/php/php4apache2.dll"
>change php/ to the root PHP directory
>Now search for
>AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
>Under that, add this line:
>AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
>Then Apache, php, and MySQL *should* work.
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