Posted by Water Cooler v2 on 06/18/06 18:41
Chung Leong wrote:
> You misunderstood I'm afraid. IDisposable.Dispose called, if I remember
> my .NET correctly, when an object is garbage collected. __sleep() is
> called when an object is serialized--usually at the end of the request
> when PHP saves session data to a file. Its main purpose is to let PHP
> know what properties within the object should be saved and what
> shouldn't be (cached records for instance). The __wakeup() method is
> the inverse of that--called when PHP restore data previously stored in
> a file into an object.
> __destruct() is the closest counter part to IDisposable.Dispose. You
> typically don't need to manually free resources, since PHP will do it
> for you at the end of a request.
Thanks, Chung. I'd understood correctly, albeit my anology was rather
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