Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/19/06 13:11
Stefan Mueller wrote:
> I've also tried it with CSS and margin but even if I use 'margin: 0;' for
> the input boxes there's still a bigger space between the input boxes in
> Internet Explorer than in Mozilla or Opera.
> It seems that in Internet Explorer the margin of an inout box is always 1pt
> more than in Mozilla or Opera.
> Do you think I can't get rid of it?
> Stefan
> PS: I'd like to have on each browser the same space between the input boxes.
Well I hate to break this to you but you really can't. Not only will
there be variances between browser but OS's as well, because widget can
look different from each. I.e., checkboxes look difference from Windows
> OSX > Linux > ...
So your 1px difference won't really matter. Oh, did you see what happens
when you increase or decrease the font size in the browser? Your layout
will and should change to accommodate!
Take care,
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