Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/19/06 13:52
Andrew wrote:
> On 19 Jun 2006 02:43:28 -0700, "Travis Newbury"
> <TravisNewbury@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> cwdjrxyz wrote:
>>> Your page completely validates as html 4.01 strict and CSS at the W3C
>>> validators. I could name many pages from the sites of huge companies
>>> that do not do that. Keep up the good work.
>> That is because any company that had a site this bland is out of
>> business.
> Hi Travis,
> Thanks for the comment :-) What you say is totally true, a company
> would not travel far with such a site. But of course my aim is not to
> produce a site for such a company, and I do not have those skills.
> <serious stuff>
> My aim is to produce a small, personal site purely as a hobby. I aim
> to learn a lot about HTML/CSS/W3C etc while doing it and meet some
> interesting people online while doing it. Maybe I can eventually make
> a useful contribution to the online world, I hope so. This definitely
> takes a back seat to my 'day job' but it is a fascinating part of my
> life.
> </serious stuff>
Good goal. I agree with you, learn the craft and proper markup and the
creativity can follow when your master your tools. As an artist this is
a tried and true process of Academy style of training. The alternate
method is where students are handed the paint and palette without any
instruction. Then maybe by accident they *may* produce something of
value only to have it disintegrate because they hadn't a clue how to
properly prepare a canvas. IMO this is not a good way to learn. I
subscribe to the school that one should learn their craft first and if
they have any talent the creativity will naturally follow.
Take care,
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