Posted by Philip on 06/19/06 15:43
In article <xredncZt4YFbIwvZ4p2dnA@telenor.com>,
"Jeff" <it_consultant1@hotmail.com.NOSPAM> wrote:
> Hey
> Here is my html/css code. I got 2 problems with it:
> A) The <ul> doesn't align It doesn't align to the left, it's placed I guess
> it's about 20 - 60 pixels to the right for the left margin. But I want this
> <ul> block to align with the left margin - > i don't want this open space
> between the left margin and the <ul>
Hi Jeff,
What purpose does the table serve? How about removing the table from
around the UL and then setting this style:
ul#navigation { margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 0px; }
> B) The code in menu css is taken from an example on the internet... In the
> example it uses these 2 css blocks to change the setting of the link the
> mouse is hovering over:
> #navigation a:hover
> #navigation a:hover
> But instead of a hovering effect I want to convert this css block to be show
> the current selected item in the ul block. I mean if u could show me how to
> embedd this css block in the html code, then I can do the rest... The actual
> page will be genereated using php, so in php I use a if-test... if selected
> then do this, if not selected to that....
So let me get this straight: the UL is a navigation menu, and if the
user clicks on, say, item #6, she'll be directed to a page with this
same navigation menu on it but item #6 should look different from the
others. Is that correct? Why not have a style like so:
#CurrentlySelectedMenuItem { font-weight: bold; }
Then use PHP to build your UL and give the 6th LI an
Make sense? Did I understand correctly what you want?
Bulk HTML validation, link checking and more
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