Posted by krupa.p on 06/20/06 20:58
I am not using any web server. I am loading the html page locally from
my computer. Probably I need some Java scripting to be done, right?
jojo wrote:
> krupa.p@gmail.com schrieb:
> > jojo wrote:
> >> krupa.p@gmail.com schrieb:
> >>> I also need to embed flash movies in the html page dyamically. Is
> there a way I can pass the name and path of the flash movie through the url?
> >>> Or any other way to achieve my goal?
> >>>
> >> I'm not sure if I got your question right, but if it was "How can I
> tell the webpage which file to embed?" than I can help you:
> >>
> >> www.somepage.com/somefile.htm?theUrlToLoad
> >>
> >> The String behind the ? can be read by several script-languages,
> server- and client-side.
> >
> > Yes, that was what I was trying to ask. Could you give me some more
> > details on how to read the query string I pass in the url?
> >
> > Say, my html page is "/Storage Card/Flash/GPSRanger.html", and the
> > flash movie I need to play is test.swf. Is the following correct?
> >
> > /Storage Card/Flash/myHTML.html?movie=test.swf
> You have to type the URL as normal, just add ?test.swf:
> www.somepage.com/Storage Card/Flash/myHTML.html?test.swf
> Or do you want to view the HTML-Page offline? Than the URL would be
> file:///C:/Path/to/site.htm?test.swf
> > In myHTML.html, I need to embed test.swf. Could you please give me a
> > sample code which decodes my query string and embeds the swf file I
> > sent?
> If I should tell you how to read the query string I first have to know
> if the site is loaded from the web or from your computer, because if you
> load a local file you cannot use server-side scripts.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Krupa
> >
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