Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 06/20/06 21:08
"Martin Jay" <martin@spam-free.org.uk> skrev i meddelandet
> In message <0001HW.C0BDE4D100DDF6B0F0407530@news.individual.net>, Sally
> Thompson <me2@privacy.net> writes
> >On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 16:47:49 +0100, Luigi Donatello Asero wrote
> >(in article <FMUlg.5604$E02.1858@newsb.telia.net>):
> >
> >> Please criticize this page (not the whole website)
> >> https://www.scaiecat-spa-gigi.com/it/svezia.html
> >> except the lack of a title for each image because I am working on that.
> >Also the picture of the seagull immediately after Gullmarn, lunico
> >vero fiordo svedese leaps from one side to the other if I change the
> >width of my browser window.
> Same here. I think it would look better centred or floated left (or
> right) with text flowing around it.
> The two pictures after the bird could also do with centring.
Not sure whether it would really improve
> Also the "Popolazione in Svezia nel 2002, 2003 e 2004" table it in an
> odd position in my browser, see
> <http://www.spam-free.org.uk/pages/Luigi_01.jpg>. And the picture above
> it seems to be poorly placed: it looks are though it should go up or
> down a line.
> I think the search box also needs to be centred, and I don't like the
> way the menus are right-justified with centred headings. It just looks
> very odd. <http://www.spam-free.org.uk/pages/Luigi_02.jpg>.
It seems to me more a matter of taste...
Some probably like it one way and others the other way...
> And the layout of the paragraphs seem a bit erratic. The first line of
> some are indented, some are not. Some of the paragraphs are the full
> width of my browser window, others are not, see
> <http://www.spam-free.org.uk/pages/Luigi_03.jpg>.
> It looks a bit of a jumble to me, which is a shame because you appear to
> have some useful content, even though I don't understand a word of it.
> :)
Perhaps all people who do not understand the content had better not make any
comments about it...
no matter whether they are positive or negative commentaries...
> Oh, and your HTML looks a bit bloated. Take the follow, for example. Do
> you really need to give each <li> the same class?
> <ul>
> <li class="horizontal"><a href="#posizionegeografica">La posizione
> geografica della Svezia</a></li>
> <li class="horizontal"><a href="storia-e-politica-in-svezia.html">Storia
> e politica della Svezia</a></li>
> [snip]
> <li class="horizontal"><a href="#democrazia">La democrazia, la
> rappresentanza politica e lemancipazione femminile in
> Svezia</a></li></ul>
Why not?
Luigi Donatello Asero
太太您从那里来 ?
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