Posted by jojo on 06/20/06 21:21
krupa.p@gmail.com schrieb:
> I am not using any web server. I am loading the html page locally from
> my computer. Probably I need some Java scripting to be done, right?
> jojo wrote:
>> krupa.p@gmail.com schrieb:
>> > jojo wrote:
>> >> krupa.p@gmail.com schrieb:
>> >>> I also need to embed flash movies in the html page dyamically. Is
>> there a way I can pass the name and path of the flash movie through the url?
>> >>> Or any other way to achieve my goal?
>> >>>
>> >> I'm not sure if I got your question right, but if it was "How can I
>> tell the webpage which file to embed?" than I can help you:
>> >>
>> >> www.somepage.com/somefile.htm?theUrlToLoad
>> >>
>> >> The String behind the ? can be read by several script-languages,
>> server- and client-side.
>> >
>>> Yes, that was what I was trying to ask. Could you give me some more
>>> details on how to read the query string I pass in the url?
>>> Say, my html page is "/Storage Card/Flash/GPSRanger.html", and the
>>> flash movie I need to play is test.swf. Is the following correct?
>>> /Storage Card/Flash/myHTML.html?movie=test.swf
>> You have to type the URL as normal, just add ?test.swf:
>> www.somepage.com/Storage Card/Flash/myHTML.html?test.swf
>> Or do you want to view the HTML-Page offline? Than the URL would be
>> file:///C:/Path/to/site.htm?test.swf
>>> In myHTML.html, I need to embed test.swf. Could you please give me a
>>> sample code which decodes my query string and embeds the swf file I
>>> sent?
>> If I should tell you how to read the query string I first have to know
>> if the site is loaded from the web or from your computer, because if you
>> load a local file you cannot use server-side scripts.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Krupa
Right, you need.
How do you open the site? If just open the file (lick clicking), than I
do not no if you can use the query string. If it does not work try to
view the page by opening InternetExplorer with the URL as opening
parameter. You could test: try to open the file first the way you wanted
to do (/Storage Card/Flash/myHTML.html?test.swf) and if the Browser does
not view the query string in the address-bar it doesn't work. Quite
simple ;-)
I'm going to send you a script which use the query String to embed your
movie, but I'll need some time to write it.
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