Posted by Els on 06/20/06 23:01
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Neredbojias" <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html> skrev i
> meddelandet news:Xns97E896239284Ehttpwwwneredbojiasco@
>> To further the education of mankind, "Luigi Donatello Asero"
>> <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> vouchsafed:
>>>> When I go to the Internet, I want information right away. I don't
>>>> want to have to wade through a lot of stuff.
>>>> Look at the sites of others in your same business. See what they do.
>>>> I'm not talking about bad markup, fixed width design, etc., I'm just
>>>> talking about the length of the page, and how easily information is
>>>> accessed. That is what professionals do, get the information to the
>>>> user as quickly and easily as possible.
>>> There is a list of contents on that page........
>>> thus, I find that information can be easily accessed....
>> It's not what _you_ find; it's what your typical visiter finds that
>> counts.
>> Adrienne is right.
> Sai parlare l´italiano?
I don't. But I still think everyone is right about the length of the
page. (and I haven't even clicked your link! :-) )
Els http://locusmeus.com/
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