Posted by Tony Marston on 06/20/06 23:34
<msch-prv@bluewin.ch> wrote in message
>I am about to embark on creating a mid-size web project that heavily
> relies on db interactions.
> Since most pages will contain recurring form elements (input text
> boxes, dropdown boxes, radio buttons, submit forms, tables, etc.), I am
> thinking of using blocks to insert components to each page. All
> standard elements would be instances of form element classes. Calling
> up these objects would generate customized html code.
> Ex: a cbo box could be instantiated in a script via:
> <p>Select Customer:</p><?php creatElement($cboName, $cboCSS, $cboVal,
> $cboOpt, ..); ?>
> Would such an approach be more efficient that the traditional
> line-by-line approach wrt. debugging, maintenance, etc. ? (I really
> dread mixing php and html.). While I like Smarty's templating approach,
> it seems Smarty still requires linear coding to do code translation.
> I visualize html pages in terms of grids where cells could be filled up
> by html block components. Is this approach somewhat too fancy?
> Thanks for any insights,
> Mark
I create all my HTML through XSL stylesheets which makes building web pages
very easy. All my PHP code has to do is create an XML document with all the
data, and each data field contains instructions on which HTML control is
required for that field. This means that I spend less time in coding screen
layouts and more time in dealing with the important stuff, the business
Check out the sample application at
Tony Marston
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