Posted by toddism on 06/21/06 01:18
Let me just say that of all the HTML doofers you can automate, <select>
is the one I have always made work.
> I was just thinking about the millions of times I have done something like:
David Haynes wrote:
> Chung Leong wrote:
> > David Haynes wrote:
> >> I was thinking about this at a finer-grained level than you seem to be
> >> in that I was thinking that msch-prv was thinking of automating the
> >> common HTML elements rather than doing something more complex.
> >
> > Well, it isn't really automation, since you still need to write the
> > function call. Basically you're trying to communicate to the computer
> > that you want an input element at that location. Using HTML as the
> > language for this purpose guarantees full flexibility. You don't really
> > gain much using PHP.
> I was just thinking about the millions of times I have done something like:
> if( ! empty($foos) ) {
> printf("<select name=\"%s\">\n", $select_name);
> foreach( $foo as $foo ) {
> $selected = ($foo['bah'] == 'xxx' ) ? 'selected' : '';
> printf("<option value=\"%s\" %s>%s</option>\n", $foo['value'],
> $selected, $foo['label']);
> }
> printf("</selected>\n");
> }
> and was hoping that it could all be made simpler as something like:
> $attributes = array('name' => 'foo');
> htmlSelect($attributes, $foo);
> in the hopes that the meaning for the page became clearer.
> Maybe I'll play with this when I get a little more free time.
> -david-
> BTW: Why doesn't the foreach() handle the !empty() case? It would make
> more sense IMHO.
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