Posted by Sally Thompson on 06/21/06 07:47
On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:34:07 +0100, dorayme wrote
(in article <doraymeRidThis-18D32D.17340721062006@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>):
> In article <1khk4j5vm7f1w$.dlg@markparnell.com.au>,
> Mark Parnell <webmaster@clarkecomputers.com.au> wrote:
>> Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, dorayme
>> <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> declared in alt.html:
>>> Wake up!
>> Who? Wha? Me? I wasn't sleeping, honest.
> No I know, you're a good boy... it's those lazy sods on the wrong
> side of the world... they spend half their bloomin' lives snoring
> away while we toil in the hot sun over here...
Hot sun? You have hot sun in the winter? We don't even manage that too
often in the summer here. (Just proving I'm awake and working, well not
actually working I suppose cos I'm on usenet but I look as if I'm working.)
Whereas you dorayme are probably actually in bed right now. Sigh. I wish I
still was!
Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow: http://www.stonybrook-ludlow.co.uk
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church:
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