Posted by Sally Thompson on 06/21/06 15:33
On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 15:32:45 +0100, Chaddy2222 wrote
(in article <1150900365.620485.3000@c74g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>):
> Sally Thompson wrote:
>> On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 12:19:38 +0100, dorayme wrote
>> (in article
>> <doraymeRidThis-9E6BFE.21193821062006@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>):
>>> In article
>>> <1150887037.240377.293420@r2g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
>>> "Chaddy2222" <rockradio2000@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Sally Thompson wrote:
>>>> I agree, his page is too long.
>>>> By the way how does http://freewebdesign.cjb.cc
>>>> Look on a Mac?
>>>> I don't have a Mac to check how it looks and the online checkers do not
>>>> always work that well.
>>> ...On a Mac, there would be no surprises for you.... it looks fine
>> Yes, it does look fine. The colours are a little bright for my taste but
>> that's probably my nice clean new monitor<g>. The only thing I noticed is
>> that the first link in your menu (Home) is just slightly to the left of the
>> header rather than lining up with the left-hand edge of it. I'm not sure if
>> this is intended. (Sorry, haven't looked at the source to see the why and
>> wherefore.)
> Hmmm, not really, though it appears to work fine in both FireFox and IE
> on Windows. If it was maybe one or two PX I don't think i'll fuss over
> it to much.
> Though, I am thinking it might be a padding and or marjins issue.
It is only a few px, and it isn't a problem at all so I shouldn't worry about
Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow: http://www.stonybrook-ludlow.co.uk
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church:
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