Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 06/22/06 02:46
"dorayme" <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> skrev i meddelandet
> In article <eRmmg.5759$E02.1865@newsb.telia.net>,
> "Luigi Donatello Asero" <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> wrote:
> > > > Dorayme,
> > > > there is a basic thing which most of you are missing, in my opinion.
> Well, Luigi, you would argue the tail off a donkey for sure and I
> will content myself with pointing out that addressing someone is
> an unusual sort of sentence and that any sentence with "dorayme"
> in it is a particularly important and unique sort of thing...
A trademark?
Luigi Donatello Asero
太太您从那里来 ?
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