Posted by PeterMcC on 06/22/06 17:05
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote in
> "PeterMcC" <peter@mccourt.org.uk> skrev i meddelandet
> news:449ac9e3$0$936$ed2619ec@ptn-nntp-reader01.plus.net...
>> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote in
>> <kqzmg.5855$E02.1880@newsb.telia.net>
>> I'd no idea that, outside of the Church, Latin was actually spoken
>> very much in Italy.
> Not "very much" but I guess that there are more people who can speak
> Latin in Italy than in other countries apart from the Vatican
> State....and again, they do not need speak it fluently....
Ah, I hadn't realised that it was a guess. Thanks for the clarification.
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inappropriate or offensive in any way,
please ignore it and accept my apologies.
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