Posted by Nik Coughlin on 06/22/06 23:40
Blinky the Shark wrote:
> Nik Coughlin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have this page that I am working on about 3 column layouts with
>> rounded corners, alpha etc.
>> http://www.nrkn.com/3ColRoundAlpha/
>> It's unfinished, but while testing I've noticed something strange.
>> I have taken some screenshots to illustrate this:
>> http://www.nrkn.com/3ColRoundAlpha/problem/
> I don't see missing bg image or darkening, but I do see this:
> http://blinkynet.net/stuff/comp/nik1.jpg
Yep, supposed to do that, it's illustrating why a particular layout
technique doesn't work :)
> FF / Linux
> And pretty much the same thing with Konqueror 3.4.2, except that fine
> horizontal line above the first line of that panel is not there.
I fixed the issues I was having so I'm getting on to the fine line that
appears in a couple of browsers now.
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