Posted by Ψrjan Langbakk on 06/24/06 11:09
Den 24.06.2006 09:49, skriblet l3vi501@gmail.com fΓΈlgende:
> I think this is what your looking for.
> http://www.boogybonbon.com/2006/06/24/php-email-script-security-form-email-anti-hacking-script/
Hm. Yes, maybe. I don't know PHP all that well, and I'm trying to learn,
but if someone could give me some pointers as to how to implement the
PHP code from that webpage (or, of course, other ways to do it) into my
current code, I'd appreciate it a lot.
My current code:
$henv = "Henvendelsen gjelder: " . $_POST["hnvd"] . "\n\n";
$user = "Navn: " . $_POST["user_name"] . "\n";
$adrs .= $_POST["mail_adresse"] . "\n";
$gadrs .= "Gateadresse: " . $_POST["gate_adresse"] . "\n";
$tlf .= "Telefonnummer: " . $_POST["tlf_number"] . "\n\n";
$kom .= "" . $_POST["babbel"] . "\n\n";
$valkode .= "" . $_POST["kode"] . "\n";
$sjekkode .= "" . $_POST["validering"] . "\n";
if ($valkode != $sjekkode) {
header( "Location: error.php" );
else {
mail("hjelp@xxxxxxxxxxx.no","Anmodning om
hjelp","$henv$user\rMailadresse: $adrs$gadrs$tlf$kom", "From: $adrs" );
<?php include 'takk.php' ?>
This code is called from a form (separate file) - if the forms code is
needed also, please tell me.
Γrjan Langbakk
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