Posted by mbstevens on 06/25/06 00:56
On Sat, 24 Jun 2006 20:24:24 -0400, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Samuël van Laere wrote:
>>> There is a server error on that address,
>>> so I can't look at the source. But you are
>>> probably not using a doc type that uses a closing tag.
>>> Go to w3c org and read about doc types.
>> The address is:
>> http://www.oukje.nl/
>> Everything validates, includes a doctype and everything.
>> Any thoughts?
> Bug. Not the first time. The closing tag is not optional see:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/links.html#edef-A
> "Start tag: required, End tag: required"
Yes, I think you're right. The validator is claiming there was no <a...>
tag. There is an empty <a></a> pair above the first error link that may
have caused the validator to make a mistake, I don't know.
I would advise the op to
indent the markup in a readable way (no 500+ character lines!). This seems
to be my pet peeve today, but why would one post markup to a group that
places entire <ul>....</ul> blocks on a single line? Are we expected to
read this stuff? The rest of the page is formatted for human readers. Why
not at least get the line with the error on it humanly readable before
posting? It might just clear up the problem.
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