Posted by jojo on 02/01/11 11:51
fb3003@gmail.com schrieb:
> how can i add this code:
> <script language=javascript>
> <!--
> var username = "fb3003";
> var hostname = "gmail.com";
> var linktext = "Click Here To Send Me Email";
> document.write("<a href=" + "mail" + "to:" + username +
> "@" + hostname + ">" + linktext + "</a>")
> //-->
> </script>
> to replace fb3003@gmail.com in this line:
> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><font face="Arial"><small><p
> align="right"></small></font><a href="index.htm"
> onMouseOver="imgAct('img5')" onMouseOut="imgInact('img5')"><img
> name="img5" src="home.gif" alt="Click for - Home" border="0" width="31"
> height="30"></a><a onMouseOver="imgAct('img6')"
> onMouseOut="imgInact('img6')" href="mailto:fb3003@gmail.com"><img
> name="img6" src="mail.gif" alt="Click to - Send us an Email" border="0"
> width="40" height="30"></a><a href="http://www.yahoo.com"
> onMouseOver="imgAct('img7')" onMouseOut="imgInact('img7')"><img
> name="img7" src="search.gif" alt="Click to - Perform an Internet
> Search" border="0" width="31" height="30"></a></td>
> basically, I have an envelope picture and when the mouse goes over it,
> it change color and you can click on it, and send an email. I am
> getting tons of spam, so I got the javascript code from this website
> http://www.virtuallyignorant.com/fightspam.htm , hoping that I can
> use a version of it, so that I can still use the envelope and mouse
> over option.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
You can leave out the JavaScript and crypt your E-Mail...
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