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Re: Browser output cutting short in IE

Posted by �rjan Langbakk on 11/09/77 11:51

Den 26.06.2006 23:10, skriblet følgende:
> Hi all,
> I wish I knew if this was even a PHP problem or not! It's probably
> Internet Explorer but here goes anyway...
> Random pages at random times don't appear correctly in IE6, the HTML is
> actually cut short at seemingly random points (it's very random, you
> know). It could be at any character on any line. This is usually
> displayed simply as a background with no content, but viewing the
> source actually shows quite a lot, although sometimes it won't let me
> see it at all!
> I've tried messing about with cache control and output buffering but
> nothing makes a difference.
> I have another site built on very similar code but someone else has had
> their grubby paws on this one so I'm not sure what might have been done
> to it. :o(
> Anyone got any bright ideas?

Could it be the Peek-a-boo-bug?

Since you're not giving any code or example-pages, I'm just guessing here...

Ørjan Langbakk



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