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Re: Need to add this code to my website to hide my email from spam bots

Posted by Philip on 11/26/67 11:51

In article <Hhhog.161031$>,
Jeremy <> wrote:

> wrote:
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> > Thanks
> >
> First, if you're already getting lots of spam, it's too late for you.
> You're on their lists. Removing the e-mail address now is not going to
> get you off the lists.
> Second, doing this with javascript is a pretty bad idea. You might try
> replacing some or all of the characters in the <mailto:> url with their
> URL-encoded escape codes - i.e. replacing @ with %40. Not sure if this
> will faze the bots, but it's worth a try.

I've been testing this with some spamtrap email addresses, and it
appears to work quite well (but not perfectly).

> In any case, javascript is probably not the answer, and document.write
> *certainly* is not.

IMO Javascript *can* be an answer as long as you provide an alternate
means of contact for non-JS browsers. I use it on my site (see my sig)
and it degrades gracefully for non-JS browsers. Yes, I know, it is kinda
stupid of me to go to the trouble of protecting my address that way and
then posting the same address on Usenet, but that's another issue...

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