Posted by Philip on 01/22/67 11:51
In article <Hhhog.161031$F_3.151964@newssvr29.news.prodigy.net>,
Jeremy <jeremys@uci.edu> wrote:
> fb3003@gmail.com wrote:
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> > Thanks
> >
> First, if you're already getting lots of spam, it's too late for you.
> You're on their lists. Removing the e-mail address now is not going to
> get you off the lists.
> Second, doing this with javascript is a pretty bad idea. You might try
> replacing some or all of the characters in the <mailto:> url with their
> URL-encoded escape codes - i.e. replacing @ with %40. Not sure if this
> will faze the bots, but it's worth a try.
I've been testing this with some spamtrap email addresses, and it
appears to work quite well (but not perfectly).
> In any case, javascript is probably not the answer, and document.write
> *certainly* is not.
IMO Javascript *can* be an answer as long as you provide an alternate
means of contact for non-JS browsers. I use it on my site (see my sig)
and it degrades gracefully for non-JS browsers. Yes, I know, it is kinda
stupid of me to go to the trouble of protecting my address that way and
then posting the same address on Usenet, but that's another issue...
Bulk HTML validation, link checking and more
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