Posted by totalstranger on 10/10/23 11:51
On or about 6/28/2006 5:57 AM, it came to pass that Mike wrote:
> I have set up a simple search in PHP. The user enters some text and
> this is then searched for in a MySQL database. If the text is found
> within the database, the whole text is displayed, highlighting what the
> user entered in red....
> Basically...
> User enters text in a text box. Result stored as textsearch.
> //perform the search in the database
> $sql = "select * from mytable where textfield like
> '%$_POST[textsearch]%'";
> //If found the result of the textfield is stored as $searchres,
> changing all occurance of the user entered text to red
> $searchres = str_replace("$_POST[textsearch]","<font
> color=#FF0000><strong>$_POST[textsearch]</strong><font
> color=#000000>",$searchres);
> //$searchres is echo'ed
> All this works great except if the textfield contains for example
> 'School' and the user searches on 'school' it won't find it.
> I could use various function such as strtolower() etc and try all
> possibilities but is there an easier way ignore the case so the search
> with pick up both 'School' and 'school'?
> Many Thanks
> Mike
Take a look at the Mysql LIKE String Comparison Function.
I'm on a non PHP 5 host and this works for me and is case insensetive
and puts rows starting with the search term first
$Like = $_POST['rsargs'][0];
$query = "SELECT Id, Name, City, State, IF (`Name` LIKE '". $Like . "%',
'1', '2') AS Order_alias FROM `Venue` WHERE `Name` LIKE '%" . $Like .
"%' ORDER BY Order_alias, Name ASC";
$result = mysql_query( $query )
or die('Result is no good: ' . mysql_error());
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