Posted by David Haynes on 12/17/27 11:52
Ørjan Langbakk wrote:
> I might be dense, but it still isn't the problem. Of course I can check
> if both are empty (invalid), that's easy.
> Why doesn't PHP have an if/then/else way of doing things... or, can I do
> a check for criteria two _before_ the redirect?
> something like:
> if (not valid)
> then (check criteria two)
> if both = invalid, then redirect
> if both = valid, then -> check code
> if code valiates, then send mail
You seem to think this is a short-coming of the PHP language.
Do you have this coded in another language? If so, can you share that?
I profess that there has been so many messages back and forth about
this, that I am no longer sure what you are asking for.
Can you supply a set of input conditions (using email and phone) and
what you expect the outcome to be? From you latest post, it sounds like
you want to evaluate a quad-state logic condition with if-then-else
logic in a single pass, but I am so confused at the moment, that would
be a 'best guess' as to what you want.
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