Posted by Garbage Monster on 06/29/06 22:35
PHP - server side based approach
Java Script - could be embedded into HTML and with a use of document.write() you can modify HTML page without refreshing it from the server
=========== Code Starts Here =============
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>An Example of JavaScript code</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Use the HTML comment to hide JavaScript from old browsers
document.write("This text was written using JavaScript.")
// End hiding JavaScript -->
You see this if your browser won't run JavaScript.
=========== Code Ends Here =============
Rik wrote:
> WhatsPHP wrote:
>> Can PHP be used to change my clients static HTML pages? By themselves?
> How do you mean 'By themselves'?
>> Instead of having to download the HTML from the server, then use
>> dreamweaver and upload the file back?
> You can manipulate files on the same server without effort: look into
> fopen(), fwrite() and the like. If PHP runs on a different server, it's
> something different. A possible solution would be to let PHP connect through
> FTP, download the html-file, change it, and upload it again. Should be no
> problem.
> Grtz,
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