Posted by Alan J. Flavell on 07/02/06 22:52
On Sun, 2 Jul 2006, jojo wrote:
> Alan J. Flavell schrieb:
> >
> > The relevant German office ("Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der
> > Informationstechnik") says this (in an English edition, since this
> > is a predominantly English-speaking newsgroup):
> Thanks, but I prefer to read it in German...
Ohne Zweifel - but why should that be of concern to this newsgroup?
> Nothing really new in it, I knew it before.
But it seems the original questioner maybe didn't, so your answer was
seriously defective.
> And I could not remember that I advised anybody to use JS.
By handing out a proposed solution which not only *used* JS - but was
completely *dependent* on it (that's an important distinction), you
evidently failed to include important information which - you now
claim - was already known to you.
So the situation is even worse than had been depicted by Andy Dingley,
when he wrote:
| _Please_ learn to code with some semblance of decent style
| before posting these rubbish snippets.
> But if Alexander asks for a solution with JS he will get one.
He certainly does run that risk, indeed.
> Whether he uses it or not is just his business.
Without the relevant information which you now say that you already
had - but withheld from your answer, it's not clear how the questioner
could take a properly informed decision.
> I just want you to notice that *I* didn't tell him he *should*, so
> don't make me responsible if he does.
I just want you to notice that when you spell out a detailed solution,
withholding the appropriate caveats which, you now say, you were
already aware of, you *are* advocating the techniques which are used
in that solution, whether you say so directly or not.
> I just told him how to do it if he wants to.
"_Please_ learn to code with some semblance of decent style before
posting these rubbish snippets."
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