Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 07/04/06 22:48
pcouas <pcouas@infodev.fr> scripsit:
> I Search if font Courier New incorporate UNICODE caracters \u250x
This is a relatively old message but it seems that it has not been answered,
but it has a relatively simple answer: Courier New probably incorporates
about 31 % of the characters in the Unicode block "Box Drawing", U+2500
through U+257F. For details see
and beware that mileages vary: a font may exist in different versions under
the same font name, so your Courier New might not equal mine.
On the other hand, using block drawing characters in HTML is usually a
misguided idea. Think about the behavior of a document in a speech-based
browser, or in a browser using a limited character repertoire due to
restrictions in font availability. Besides, you probably get better
appearance by using real graphics.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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