Posted by Erwin Moller on 07/05/06 11:13
Dodger wrote:
> Okay, background... yes, I am another of those evil, spurned, damnable
> Perl mongers, but I'm not trying to start a flamewar, I'm juust tryung
> to understand something...
Hi Dodger,
Other helped you with the msql part, but I want to make 1 remark on your
next comment:
> I can write a script in Perl like so, and it's pretty to me (and the
> using of the heredocs I think does defend perl against many arguments
> withthe HTML being all escaped and explicit returns and stuff -- which
> I can see... 'print "<p class=\"text\">stuff</p>\n";' is terrible to
> me to.. so I use heredocs), and simple, and fast under mod_perl...
Only people who like to write unreadable code use syntax like that.
print "<p class=\"text\">stuff</p>\n";
<p class="text">stuff</p>
The latter is the usual normal way if you first jump out of the PHP-tags,
which every experienced PHP-coder with a sane mind does, for sake of
If you need to jump back to get some variable, do this:
[just an example that uses ADODB-lib.]
$SQL = "SELECT userid, firstname, lastname FROM tbluser;";
$RS = $con->Execute($SQL)->getArray;
$row = $RS[$i];
<?php= $row["userid"] ?>
<?php= $row["firstname"] ?>
<?php= $row["lastname"] ?>
I think that makes great readable code, both from a HTML perspective as from
a PHP perspective.
Don't use print and echo for HTML, unless you have some compelling reason.
just my 2 cent.
Erwin Moller
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