Posted by Chris Tomlinson on 07/06/06 14:47
"mbstevens" <NOXwebmasterX@XmbstevensX.com> wrote in message
> On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:04:57 +0000, Spartanicus wrote:
>> So unless you have a very good reason why these images *must* be
>> viewable simultaneously (unlikely given the dimension alone), the
>> correct way to present such content is to present these images one by
>> one with a "Next 1 2 3 4 5 ... Previous" navigation.
We didn't want to go into too much details in our initial post for fear of
complicating the issue, but please take a look at the page in question which
features an interactive streetscape panorama. It should then be clear why
the images need to be loaded as specified.
What you see is actually a series of JPGs sliced in divs. When we add even
larger streets it will be necessary to control the load order as previous
We are aware the file size is not 'ideal', but broadband is only becoming
more common so we are prepared to grow into that market, rather than
sacrifice on image quality any further than the current 40% quality setting
Thanks to anyone able to offer ways to proceed along the lines of our
initial approach. We hope you appreciate we are at a stage where responses
of a negative nature such as 'don't do it' or 'why?' will not really have
any impact. We are in full steam ahead mode and getting nothing but praise
from visitors.
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