Posted by Paradyse on 07/07/06 00:48
Thanks for your comments.
I am a noob when it comes to SQL related issues. Some of the things you
requested are way over my head. I apologize for my ignorance.
I did however fix the issue with you and MC's recommendation plus a
lucky guess on my own. The final query I use is as follows:
TOP 10 dbo.ShowcaseRides.RecordID,
dbo.ShowcaseRides.CustomerID, dbo.ShowcaseRides.PhotoLibID,
dbo.ShowcaseRides.ModelShowcase, dbo.ShowcaseRides.VehicleTitle,
dbo.ShowcaseRides.ShowcaseRating, dbo.ShowcaseRides.ShowcaseRatingImage,
dbo.ShowcaseRides.EntryDate, dbo.Customers.UserName,
dbo.Customers.ShipCity, dbo.Customers.ShipRegion,
dbo.Customers.ShipCountry, dbo.Customers.LastName,
dbo.Customers.FirstName, dbo.Customers.MemberSince,
dbo.ShowcaseRides.MemberLive, dbo.Accessories.Make,
dbo.Accessories.Model, Photos.Path
FROM dbo.ShowcaseRides INNER JOIN
dbo.Customers ON dbo.ShowcaseRides.CustomerID =
dbo.Customers.CustomerID INNER JOIN
dbo.Accessories ON dbo.ShowcaseRides.MakeShowcase
= dbo.Accessories.MakeShowcase AND
dbo.ShowcaseRides.ModelShowcase =
dbo.Accessories.ModelShowcase INNER JOIN
(SELECT MIN(dbo.ShowcasePhotos.PhotoPath)
AS Path, RecordID
FROM dbo.ShowcasePhotos
GROUP BY RecordID) Photos ON
dbo.ShowcaseRides.RecordID = Photos.RecordID INNER JOIN
dbo.ShowcasePhotos ON Photos.Path =
WHERE (dbo.ShowcaseRides.MemberLive = 1) AND (dbo.ShowcaseRides.Live
= 1)
ORDER BY dbo.ShowcaseRides.EntryDate DESC
I greatly appreciate all of your help.
Darin L. Miller
Paradyse Development
"Some things are true whether you believe them or not." - Nicolas Cage
in City of Angels
"Erland Sommarskog" <esquel@sommarskog.se> wrote in message
> Paradyse (support@paradysed.com) writes:
> > I appreciate your help but it's giving me an error in the Group clause.
> > Any ideas?
> There is a general recommendation for questions about help with queries,
> and that is that you post:
> o CREATE TABLE statements for your table(s). (Preferably simplified for
> the problem at hand).
> o INSERT statements with sample data.
> o The desired output given the sample.
> That makes it very easy to copy and paste into a query tool to develop
> a tested solution. It also shows that you are prepared make some effort
> yourself to solve the problem.
> Since you did not post any sample data, MC posted an untested solution.
> Apparently it had an error, but at least you got something to work from.
> The error I can spot in his suggestion is that dbo.Photos.RecordID should
> be Photos.RecordID. Photos here is a derived table, a virtual table
> constructed on the fly in the middle of the query; a very powerful
> construct.
> So try to work from this. If you still get an error message, and get passed
> it - make yourself a favour and post the error message next time.
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel@sommarskog.se
> Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/downloads/books.mspx
> Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at
> http://www.microsoft.com/sql/prodinfo/previousversions/books.mspx
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