Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/07/06 11:36
Robert S wrote:
>>Why are you even passing the filename in a button's name?
>>Why not:
>> <form action=test.php method=post>
>> <div>
>> <input type=hidden name=myfile value="filename.txt">
>> <input type=submit>
>> </div>
>> </form>
> The page is a fax client that allows large numbers of files to be faxed
> off to multiple recipients. I have a whole lot of buttons and text
> inputs that refer to different files. The receiving page loops through
> $POST and identifies the file that the button refers to. All text
> inputs and checkboxes etc need to be sent to the receiving page, so I
> can't use multiple <form> elements. The example I gave was just an
> illustrative example - its not from my code. As far as I can see this
> seems to be the only way of doing it. The files are .PDF files created
> by cups-pdf - so they are FULL of underscores. If I use an <a href>
> tag, the POST variables don't get sent to the receiving page.
> bin2hex looks like the way to go.
OK, no problem. Just:
<form action=test.php method=post>
<input type=hidden name="filename[0]" value="filename.txt">
<input type=submit name="Submit[0]">
<input type=hidden name="filename[1]" value="filename.pdf">
<input type=submit name="Submit[1]">
<input type=hidden name="filename[2]" value="filename.doc">
<input type=submit name="Submit[2]">
<input type=hidden name="filename[3]" value="filename.html">
<input type=submit name="Submit[3]">
File names are in $_POST['filename[0]'], $_POST['filename[1]'], etc.
The button which was pressed will be in $_POST['Submit[x]'].
Simply loop through the Submit array to find which one was pressed with
isset(), and pick the appropriate file from the filename array.
Expandable, easily programmed and requires no JS.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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