Posted by Chung Leong on 11/20/92 11:52
Michael Vilain wrote:
> It's my understanding that fastcgi forks a process for each connection,
> running in the context of web server. mod_php runs as a thread, allowing for
> it to run concurrently with other processes on multi-CPU systems.
Not quite. If it creates a process per connection then it wouldn't be
fast. FastCGI works sort of like a Java app server. It runs it a
separate process and communicates with the web server across a socket
connection. Since interprocess communication is very fast, FastCGI is
at least on-par with an in-process module in terms of performace. And
the decoupling of web-server from the app-server allows resources to be
better managed, so it could be actually be faster. For example,
persistent connections when used with mod_php is quite wasteful, since
every Apache process would own a connection to the database, even
though it might actually spend majority of the time serving image files.
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