Posted by Stan McCann on 12/17/28 11:52
<i.punto.sanchez--@rroba--mirame.punto.net> wrote in
> Hash: SHA1
> Stan McCann wrote:
>> I'm writing an application that is becoming quite large. I would
>> like to keep memory usage to a minimum so I'm looking for a way to
>> include a file of functions that are only used once, then discard
>> the functions freeing up the memory they take. Any ideas?
> First of all, use __autoload(). See the manual.
Thanks, I'll look at that.
> And remember: this is a web app, and it will free memory after every
> page has been completely shown.
Duh! Thinking 'old style' programming. Of course the functions in
question will be removed from memory right away, they are to read data
from the database to build a form, then you click the form button and
they're gone. I still sometimes get confused with different languages,
and different types of programs. At least I don't get assembly or
Modula II code in my apps anymore. ;)
Thanks for straightening me out.
Stan McCann, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
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