Posted by flamer die.spam@hotmail.com on 11/27/83 11:52
Mosf of the examples you have seen are probably using javascript, with
php you realise the page needs to reload when a cat is chosen? PHP
can't dynamically update the menu without loading the page again, you
would the user to choose a catergory, then have a submit button to post
the var or a link like page/index.php?cat1=$cat1 and so forth. Probably
recommend javascript for this though.
Chris wrote:
> I thought this would be simple and there would be advice / tutorials
> everywhere for this, but now that I'm working on it, I can't find any
> reference except for ASP or Javascript code. PHP/MySQL - 3 form select
> menus: Project, Categories, Subcategories. When a Project is selected, the
> Categories list is populated based on Project selected, then Subcategories
> list is populated based on Category selected. I see this all over the Net,
> but through 10 books, there isn't anything specific. I think I get lost
> with some of PHP structure since I've been using DW - I end up editing most
> of it in order to follow it, but DW works pretty good for getting initial
> testing done. I just can't seem to find further guidance on this. So far I
> have:
> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="add_file.php" method="post">
> <table>
> <tr>
> <td width="23%" rowspan="2" valign="top"><p><strong>Project:<br />
> </strong>
> <select name="project">
> <?php
> do {
> ?>
> <option value="<?php echo
> $row_projects['projCode']?>"><?php echo $row_projects['projCode']?></option>
> <?php
> } while ($row_projects = mysql_fetch_assoc($projects));
> $rows = mysql_num_rows($projects);
> if($rows > 0) {
> mysql_data_seek($projects, 0);
> $row_projects = mysql_fetch_assoc($projects);
> }
> ?>
> </select>
> </p>
> <p><strong>
> Category:
> <select name="category" id="category">
> <option>Select a category...</option>
> <option value="<?php echo $row_categories['catName']?>"><?php
> echo $row_categories['catName']?></option>
> <?php
> do {
> ?>
> <?php
> } while ($row_categories = mysql_fetch_assoc($categories));
> $rows = mysql_num_rows($categories);
> if($rows > 0) {
> mysql_data_seek($categories, 0);
> $row_categories = mysql_fetch_assoc($categories);
> }
> ?>
> </select>
> </strong></p>
> <p>
> </p></td>
> <td width="26%" valign="top"><p><strong>Subcategory:</strong>
> <select name="subcategory" id="subcategory">
> <option>Select a subcategory...</option>
> <?php
> if (isset('category'))
> {
> if ($row_subcat['catID']==$row_categories['catID'])
> {
> do
> {?>
> <option value="<?php echo $row_subcat['subcatName']; ?>"></option>
> <?php
> }
> while ($row_subcat = mysql_fetch_assoc($subcat));
> $rows = mysql_num_rows($subcat);
> if($rows > 0)
> {
> mysql_data_seek($subcat, 0);
> $row_subcat = mysql_fetch_assoc($subcat);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> ?>
> </select>
> Thanks for any help with this.
> Chris
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