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Re: Free line breaking

Posted by Els on 07/12/06 09:32

dorayme wrote:

> In article <13yjjvqaxa3o9.4mi4akteksh5$>,
> Els <> wrote:
>> dorayme wrote:
>>> In article <c1k8jt09ogr5$.oufptjur60up$>,
>>> Els <> wrote:
>>> In my Safari, the thumb cap "what's it called" wraps and the
>>> "called" which is on the next line is cut off horizontally.
>> When you see the wrapped bits being cut off - don't the last letters
>> of longer words with the other thumbs get cut off too?
> No...
> at
> I just saw the one I mentioned ... The bit I saw had some thumbs
> with very short names like Yellow, there were no long names, I
> looked at your source.
> ...
>> I've made a test without the height:2em (and without the 10px padding)
>> and with more text, to ensure wrapping in all browsers. Can you check
>> what it looks like in Safari please?
> is what I now see in Safari.

Ah okay, I see your 10px padding need :-)
In Opera it's worse - any image that is on the same row as the taller
one, gets a large gap below the text to make the box the same height.
I think the best is just to avoid wrapping, or make sure that you know
how many lines it will wrap to, and just set an appropriate height for

> btw... If I had to say which, in some intelligence test, I would
> say Ernie was odd man out of the little collection. But these
> judgements are what get me into the just below average
> intelligence range... :-)

No, I'd say you're right. He's the only one that isn't alive or at
least 3-dimensional. Consider your intelligence compatible with mine




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