Posted by Andrew Bailey on 07/18/06 08:32
<petedawn@gmail.com> wrote in message
> hi guys,
> i have a web page which has a link on it, linked to another web page
> with frames (2 frames, left 20% and right 80%) on it. now i want this
> link to anchor to text on the right frame page. i know how to anchor
> stuff on the same page, but on a framed page no idea. basically i want
> the user to go from my link, to the exact location on the framed page.
> can somebody help me out. thanks.
Hi Pete,
This is how I do it (although I'm no Guru). Presumably you have a frameset
master document that is separate to the left and right frame documents that
sets up the frameset and specifies the content documents for the left and
right frame?
Just duplicate this master document and add #YOURANCHORGOESHERE to the end
of the src declaration for the content frame. Then save the file out with a
different name and link to that.
Hope that helps
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